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The Main Event

The Main Event

The Main Event

It’s fairly easy for me to be 100% focused on Gavin on our walks. I love watching him bebop along, especially since we’ve worked really hard on his confidence amidst random dogs, lawnmowers, helicopters, and other unpredictable, scary things (to him). And, there’s always this moment for me when we arrive at the park’s entrance where I feel my whole body relax under the canopy of trees. It feels like Mother Nature is embracing me with every step. As I look up at the full emerald, moss, chartreuse, and sage leaves, it’s my daily reminder that peace and abundance are all around us.

I relish the silence and the sight of cardinals and sparrows fluttering from tree to tree. I also want to be aware of our surroundings, Gavin and I endured a brutal attack in 2015 when two dogs broke out of their backyard. It took four people to pull them off and allow us to get away safely. So, I give him plenty of space when seeing another dog and want to be ready to protect him if the occasional person we encounter who’s breaking the park’s rules doesn’t heed my plea to “please put your dog on a leash.”  

But, at home, where I know we’re both safe, he’s happy to nestle against me while I work on my labels and website, watch a little NetFlix, or catch up on emails, texts, and social media. I’ve recently noticed that because I always seem to be multitasking or consuming or producing something in front of a screen during our time at home, I’m not as happy, clear-minded, or productive as when I dedicate quiet time to snuggle with him.

When I allow myself the gift of doing nothing except sitting next to my dog and rubbing his shoulders while thinking about how grateful I am that he’s here, happy, relaxed, and loving his massage, I’m naturally more joyful. Or, when I lay next to him and rest my eyes for a few moments, my soul seems fuller because his snore is one of my favorite sounds in the world, add the I’m-chasing-a-squirrel-in-a-dream warble, and well, there’s a reason he has me wrapped around his paw. 

So, tonight, rather than turning on a YouTube meditation before bed, I’m going to make my Gavin snuggle time the main event, really tune in to what his fur feels like while I massage his giant noggin’, enjoy his smell; it’s like warmth and sleepiness wrapped in a blanket, and treasure the sacred moments that feed my soul and help me be my brightest self. I hope you do the same.

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