Humble Pie
Our first kitchen day back after I moved was going amazingly well. Our flow was smooth sailing, and we ran a bit ahead of schedule until I accidentally stripped a bolt when taking Felix (the piston filler) apart for cleaning. We tried everything to undo it, and not one of the four additional people who attempted was able to fix my error.
Unfortunately, we had to cancel our subsequent kitchen day while I waited for my brother Matt to do what he does best, save the day with his tenacity and skills for all things handy. I was still feeling good about our stock until we lost power during our next two kitchen days.
I have a fantastic team who regrouped quickly and saved most of our product, but they were long, wonky, stressful days.
I silently offer thanks throughout my day. It helps me stay positive, even when things go awry. And, let’s face it, nothing ever goes according to our plans. But, like life pre-COVID, when I didn’t think to be grateful for toilet paper and being able to buy all my supplies for kitchen days in one trip rather than six, I now know to not take lights, electricity, and air conditioning for granted on a hot day.
Gavin was doing smashingly well with the move, far better than anticipated. He’s so happy, wiggly, and relaxed in our new home and on our walks that I was too confident when I left yesterday for a few hours to catch up on making Turkey & Chicken pouches.
Before leaving him alone, I knew all the things he needed, but he was sleepy and didn’t want to walk. He wasn’t hungry, so he only had 2/3 of his supplements. And, when I checked in on his webcam, he was sitting on the guest bed, staring out the window, not the usual scene of him stretched out and likely snoring.
So, I came home. Gavin had chewed part of a rug, vomited it up, and his pills, and was more excited than I want my dog, who’s struggled with separation anxiety, to be. Now I know to not sway from his routine, even a teeny bit. And I’m beyond grateful that he’s ok, and most of the errands I had to run yesterday afternoon were to dog-friendly businesses.
I do my best to be thankful for my sweet dg often as possible. Now I have a deeper appreciation for all his medications and supplements that help him relax when he’s alone. May this holiday weekend be as easy as possible for you and your dog(s). We’ll be celebrating the same way we have for years, hunkered down at home.