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Hey! Hey! It’s me, Mabel. It’s been a while. So much has happened, but I’ll give you the highlights.

My human was in the kitchen for 11-hour days and packing orders again, which was great for me because I got to see my boyfriend (my pet sitter’s human son) every day. I love him. He’s so dreamy. He doesn’t know he’s my boyfriend, so don’t tell him unless he asks, then tell him I heart him so much.

And, remember my weird pee pee incident? Well, I went for two weeks without one accident, then I pee peed on my nanny and her sofa while I was sleeping, so my human took me to see Dr. Giatis. I love her, too. She’s so lovely and gentle. They did a big test that came back with some slightly elevated white blood cell counts. Those went down super quick with a new probiotic, but I’d dribble in the car, on walks, and by the door, so Dr. Crouse started me on supplements for spay incontinence, and I’ve been doing so good. Plus, I love getting extra treats for pee pees outside. It’s the best.

Oh, and I’m now bilingual. One of my many friends at the park where we walk teaches me how to sit when she says, “Anjda.” And I get treats. Have I ever told you how much I love treats?

Lastly, I should share some shop stuff from my human. It’s big.

They’re reformulating with a different acidifier (the stuff that prevents food-borne pathogens from growing; it’s essential). Why would they change it if it’s working? Well, they didn’t. Two years ago, their acidulant supplier told them that Bark Pouch wasn’t big enough and the amount my human was buying wasn’t worth their time. 

So, my human and her team researched, sampled, and tested new acidifiers. Then, they reformulated with the one they liked best, guided by their food scientist, of course. Then they had all kinds of other doggies taste the same recipes your dogs know and love with the new acidifier, and every dog loved it just as much. I did, too, but I love all snacks, so my human said I wasn’t the best judge.

According to their projections, the new formula will be on the website between 10/8/24 and 10/22/24; all the same recipes, just a different acidifier to keep your dog(s)’ treats safe for use at any temperature.

My human hopes to write regularly again. But until then, we hope you have a great day and weekend.  

Free shipping on orders of $100+ (not valid on wholesale). Dog Pro Discount Program now available!