Destined for Small Things
When I’m alone in the shop, I listen to inspirational podcasts. Tony Robbins and Oprah Winfrey are among my favorites. Listening to people who do and give back to the world in significant ways inspires me to want to do the same.
Then I go back to my day, making three grocery store trips to get all the liverwurst I need for one kitchen day or moving 55 boxes of pouches, caps, and labels from a storage unit, my apartment, and the local UPS store to a bigger space. And, well, I feel small.
But maybe that’s what helps us grow: our humility and appreciation for what we have now. I can’t find anyone else to assist us in the kitchen and cover Lou while he’s out. However, I can thank Cammie, Miranda, and Lou for showing up daily and caring about doing a great job. The post office raised their shipping prices again, but rather than getting annoyed and wondering how I’ll cover those costs, I can say a silent “woohoo” for every order I receive. And there’s this dog who lives to snuggle and be by my side. I can allow myself the gift of feeling joy for his presence and love.
I still want to be part of a tremendous transformation that makes the world a better place. I still want to give to my family and friends in whopping ways. I still want to work less so I can walk dogs at the shelter again. But tonight, I’m going to enjoy a glass of wine and Law and Order SVU with this guy because we have to cherish and celebrate the small moments so we expand enough to master the monumental moments.
May you savor every second, even small ones.