Closed Doors
We all know the saying, “When one door closes, another opens.” But, how often when we lose someone we love, don’t get that amazing opportunity we were sure was ours, or we peacefully part ways with someone because we’re finally brave enough to accept they’ll never love us back, do we put the car in park and process our stuff, even for five minutes? I’ve had a lot of doors close this year, and rather than revving the engine and racing in circles like a Nascar driver, I’ve relished Mabel’s morning belly rubs, which usually lead me to hold up her head so she doesn’t tumble off the bed. I’ve gone to bed when I’m tired rather than searching or striving to figure out the next steps. I’ve taken a deep breath and silently said, “I accept this,” instead of wasting my energy wanting and waiting for whatever comes next. Mabel’s papilloma was gone, miraculously, in a week with homeopathic and holistic treatment (I can’t thank Dr. Crouse enough). I had been twirling it repeatedly in my mind that her daycare wasn’t the right fit. Behaviorally, she was sometimes getting overstimulated. And, well, Mabel seemed to catch every infection, virus, and parasite going around. However, I’d hesitated to reach out to Sasha because her online availability doesn’t include Tuesdays, which I need. Not only do I know and trust Sasha—she started as a customer, is on my website, and even helped us out packing orders for a bit when I was in a bind. But Sasha’s a positive trainer who also happens to offer home daycare and boarding. Within minutes of reconnecting on the phone, I felt at ease. We planned to meet at a park on a Saturday to keep Sasha’s dogs healthy while Mabel healed. When Mabel and I arrived, Sasha and I chatted a bit, and she asked in her beautifully calm, if-you-didn’t-know-her-you-wouldn’t-know-she-was-mildly-amused manner, “What are you marking and rewarding, attention or a loose leash?” And I laughed because if Sasha didn’t know what behavior I was treating Mabel for, how would Mabel know? Ah, as I’m coming out of hibernation, that question reminded me that the journey in life, not the destinations or goals, is what matters. As an introvert, I sometimes miss the lessons from people I should learn. But, having people who aren’t afraid to call us on our crap or make an incredible professional connection with someone you deeply admire and want to emulate their eloquent, warm, yet wieldy ways is what makes life so wonderful. So, today and this weekend, may we all look at closed doors as blessings, embrace the lessons learned from those experiences, and sit with what is before trotting down the hall and knocking on the next door. |