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Lessons Learned



Today would have been my big-love, big-feelings, big-headed, big-hearted boy Gavin’s 11th birthday. To celebrate, Mabel and I walked through her second favorite sniffer spot, Scioto Grove Metro Park. Her best-loved stroll spot is the tree line at my mom’s house. I’m unsure whether it’s the ultra-quiet setting, the fact that my sweet girl gets to greet… View more

Luck & Abundance

Luck & Abundance

I listen to guided meditations every morning and evening while Mabel snuggles with me. They all say the same thing in different ways. If we want to live our best, love-filled, financially-free, and most joyous lives, we must think, feel, and believe those things even before we experience them. So, today, I offer us all the… View more



We had a smooth week at the shop with Felix. The piston filler works better than she’s worked in over a year. We’re still not back to maximum production because Cammie took a couple of days off to celebrate her wedding anniversary (so happy for her). Still, there was a profound feeling of safety on kitchen… View more



This week was wonky on every level. Mabel felt amazing by Sunday night but needed a few more symptom-free days before safely returning to daycare. The replacement part that Cammie and Mark tried to put on Felix to repair our piston filler was wrong. The manufacturer sent us the incorrect part. Fortunately, the amazingness that is… View more

Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans

After Mabel’s vet visit last Friday, she was 90% better, then improved to 98% by Saturday, so I was feeling way too proud of myself for catching whatever she caught early while simultaneously thinking it may have just been allergies, and the herbal supplement Mabel’s holistic veterinarian prescribed her will continue clearing out the gunk in her… View more

Always Something

Always Something

My sweet Mabel woke up this morning with green goop coming out of her nose and a bit of bubbling breathing. We’re now home from the vet, grateful for their urgent care option, with antibiotics, as it’s possibly something contagious or still the long game of allergies. She’s not going to be happy about not going… View more



I’ve recently had the luxury of sharing my bonding journey with my blossoming Mabel because the shop ran smoothly until yesterday. Usually, when I need to fill a kitchen assistant position, finding someone available for the hours we need who’s willing to work hard and follow our super stringent processes is a multi-week laborious project…. View more



It’s that time of year when we’re mentally and emotionally preparing ourselves for what most of us consider dog’s-least-favorite-days. All any of us want is for our dogs to feel safe, yet they don’t understand the loud booms and crackles as we attempt to help them before fireworks and comfort them during what many of… View more



I woke up this morning on the tiniest sliver of the edge of my bed. I could hear Mabel mumble and sleepily stretch as she lay belly up, horizontally next to me, waiting for her pre-breakfast belly rubs.  In the short time Mabel’s been with me, she’s shown me what a sensitive sweetheart she is,… View more

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